Electronic Commerce

Objectives for Electronic Commerce
At the end of the course Students will be able to:

• Create a portfolio of the steps required to start-up an on-line business e.g. Consultant fees, hardware and software fees, license fees, etc.
• Research a paper on the benefits or disadvantages of setting up an on-line business versus a store-front business. Which one would you select? Support your response.
• Explain the steps required to set-up your E-commerce website for advertising purposes. You can create a sample website to market your own products or services offered.
• Find at least 2 cases which provide examples of E-commerce violation of laws (such as Federal Trade Commission, Truth-in-lending practice) and explain the significance of those cases, along with the outcome.
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Course Outline for Electronic Commerce:

Electronic Commerce provides an overview of the fundamental concepts of online marketing, creating a web site, gaining customers online. Ms. Myriam LeConte is the instructor for this course. AIU’s Mission and Vision are founded upon the Declaration of Human Rights which specifies Education as a human right. AIU is doing its part by making learning materials, college courses, and academic research Publicly Accessible. This online distance learning Electronic Commerce course is open to the public as part of Atlantic International Univerity's Open Access Initiative (AIU Open Access). In order to gain college credit and/or receive the completion certificate for Electronic Commerce, participants must be registered as students with AIU.

Lesson 1: Defining E-commerce
Video Conference Introduction to E-commerce
Access Course Material and Quiz on Defining Electronic Commerce

Lesson 2: The Development of E-commerce
Access Course Material and Quiz on The Development of E-commerce

Lesson 3: E-commerce Marketing
Access Course Material and Quiz on E-commerce Marketing

Lesson 4: E-commerce Security Issues
Access Course Material and Quiz on E-commerce Security Issues

Lesson 5: E-commerce Security Requirements
Access Course Material and Quiz on E-commerce Security Requirements

Lesson 6: E-commerce Legal Considerations
Video Conference Overview of Material Covered in E-commerce
Access Course Material and Quiz on E-commerce Legal Considerations

Lesson 7: International Legal Considerations in E-commerce
Access Course Material and Quiz on International Legal Considerations in E-commerce

Lesson 8: E-commerce Implementation Costs
Access Course Material and Quiz on E-commerce Implementation Costs

Lesson 9: Online Auctions Including E-Bay
Access Course Material and Quiz on Online Auctions Including E-Bay

Lesson 10: Customer Service Expectations of the E-commerce Experience
Access Course Material and Quiz on Customer Service Expectations of the E-commerce Experience

Final Exam for E-commerce
Access Final Exam for E-commerce
Video Conference Completion of AIU's Electronic Commerce Open Online Course

References Materials and Resources:

E-commerce Report by the US Census Bureau Curtesy of: The US Census Bureau

Course Instructor: Ms. Lida Ortiz:
Ms. Ortiz has extensive experience in Marketing and public relations in addition to teaching university level students for many years.

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